The Supreme Grand Ancient Nubian Order Society, Inc.

His Imperial Majesty The Supreme Grand Hierophant S.G.H. 720th Amun Nebu Re Akh Tah (Atum Re)

visualize yourself in this amazing scene!
You have to stoop as you enter the ruined temple in Nubia that seems almost darker than the night outside. To go in is to pass from one kind of darkness to another a form of triple darkness.
A torch hisses and sputters against the ancient stone and casts a dull gleam in the vast room beneath an altar. It is a weird scene. You wipe the centuries old dust from your eyes and stare wonderingly at Amun-Re, a NETERU, adeity, who has come from his hiding place, in the innermost fastness of the desert to reveal the secrets of his race, the Nuwbuns.
He imparts to you the ancient way of life called "Nuwaubu" Sound, Right, Reasoning, the way the deities thought. The laws they live by, which the mysterious Egiptian deities of Tama-Re and the ancient Nubians, who built one of the world's most fabulous civilization's. Not founded on faith or beliefs, but on facts the only law acceptable.
You are instructed to the secrets of successful living, how to enjoy good health, physically, mentally and spiritually and how to acquire an abundance of material wealth. Though you may never experience such a meeting, much of the facts of universal life of the Ancient NETERU could be revealed to you and is known and taught by the Supreme Grand Ancient Nubian Order Society, in the higher degrees of The Order of Imhotep and the Sisters of Aset. However, you as a babe must crawl before you walk. Degree by degree. You will progress until you are born again as a deity in control of the world around you.
We, The True Ancient Nubians Who Predated And Are "Parents" Of All Religions On The Planet Dating Back Over 100,000 Years.
We Birthed The Atlanteans and Those of Mu.
We, The True Ancient Nubians Were The First To Record Religious Doctrine, The First To Use Magic, Which Became The Root Of Modern Day Religious Miracles. In Fact, We Were The First To Record, And The First To Pray Which We Called "Ashutaat".
We, The True Ancient Nubians Were The First To Establish Ritualistic Ceremonies, Initiations, Rites, Temples, Chapels And Lodges That Later Became Churches, Synagogues And Mosques.
We, The True Ancient Nubians Were The First To Respect Nature As A Whole And Establish Symbolism For Recognition For Each Living Thing.
We Have Been Duplicated, Perpetrated, Imitated, But Never Replicated. Many Have "Borrowed" From Us And Established Great Institutions Pretending To The World That They Do Not Know Or Remember Their Source Or Origin.
The Intent Of The Supreme Grand Ancient Nubian Order Society, Inc. Is To:
Erect Non-Denominational Temples (Mir) Of Knowledge, And Place In The Hands Of Our Students A Masters-Key "Ankh" With Which They May Open The Many Sacred Inner Doors Of The Ancient Nubian Mystery Schools. - Presented By: H.R.H. The Supreme Grand A'aferti Atum Haru Hor Aha Amsu Re ll, Tama-re, Nubia Sudan, Son Of The Pharoah (S.G.H).