The Supreme Grand Ancient Nubian Order Society, Inc.

Food From Thoth:Part 1
Life has been defined as awareness of being. Living from birth to death, but there's more to life than just knowing you are alive and waiting to die, and then what? Now you can know. Just as there's more to life than just work and sweat, and waiting for something to turn up. Yes, there is more to life than is even dreamed of by most people. When you were a child do you remember adults saying: "I would like to be as young again as you are, my child, but Know all the things I know now!" The adult would not part with the experience of his or her years even to be young once more.
Children can't understand this remark because they are sure they know all that they need to know. So, too many adults are sure that they have all the knowledge they need. Yet there persists in their midst a certain haunting feeling that they are missing something in life. Have you ever had this feeling? "Of course" and you may say to yourself: "I don't have as much money as I would like"; "It would be pleasant to have more friends"; "Wouldn't it be great to be able to tell off' some people I know"; and, "How wonderful to always be healthy, free from aches and miseries." You might even dream a little about being a famous man or woman whom others look up to with envy and respect. Then, somewhat reluctantly, you come down to earth and console yourself with why , "I wouldn't be anybody else for a million dollars."
"Did you ever realize that perhaps you didn't have to be somebody else to actually be the superior person you were dreaming about?" You need the right knowledge and not just common sense. For people can have knowledge that is as far beyond what they now possess, as an adult's overstanding is greater than that of a child's knowledge. This knowledge can be used to bring about vast improvements in a person's life. YOU MUST SEEK!
Proof of this is on every side. What is it that makes some people famous, others obscure, some rich, and others poor? Why is it that some people enjoy abundant health while others have a life made miserable by aches and pains? Fate you say or luck? No that's what religion would like you to believe that God, Theos, Allah, Jehovah, plays favorite. Untruth.
That's how many people justify their lack of the things that make life really joyous instead of just bearable. They say it with a shrug and then quickly try to forget the whole subject for fear they will have to do something about it. It's best left in the hands of a god called fate, which is another un-truth. They confuse success with hard work. You have to take control and I will teach you how.
They teach you, you must come through them or be educated by their system to make it. This is unfortunate because, in actuality, their form of education has little to do with success nor their formal education, nor birth. Think of the many people you know who prosper seemingly without any work at all. Remember all the people who had lowly births and little formal education, but they became very successful? Bill Gates, the billionaire computer whiz, was a high school drop out.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad the millionaire and Founder of the Nation of Islam (N.O.I.), only had a third grade education. So what is it? It's taking control of your life. This does not mean you don't need to learn to add, read, and write, you need as much education as you can get. But only accept that which pertains to you and what you can use to succeed. If it is fate, then after all that, who decides what you shall be?
Has your station in life and the degree of your happiness been determined before you were born? If all good and evil and all your actions are pre-determined then there is no point in motion or thought. If God already knows all you are going to think and feel before you do, then there is no point in your life or having a mind of your own. To accept this is to go against the most powerful experience of life, your awareness of your own will, and if you really have freedom of choice, then you decide not to have faith or belief, but demand to know.