The Supreme Grand Ancient Nubian Order Society, Inc.

Food From Thoth:Part 2
Your ability to choose one thing or another is up to you alone. The proof is in your own mind right at this moment. You either accept what you are reading now or you don't accept it. You can either continue reading or you can throw this scroll aside. Isn't this true? Why were you born with this freedom of action, thought, and this power to choose, if life held no choice for you to make? You say I was born a Christian or Muslim, and that is not true. You were not born with a religion or belief.
No, it is not fate, nor birth, nor education, nor hard work that makes one person more successful than another. Could it be, however, that some are just "naturally good" and have talents which the less fortunate don't possess? No it's all up to you with: the right guidance; how you pay attention; what you choose to learn; if you can apply what you learn; and, if we made this read: "Some people are aware of their talents, while others are not aware."
If we use the words "innerself" instead of talents, then we would have part of the truth, part of the secret that means success for some, and failure for others. For it is the Right Knowledge, the Right Wisdom and the Right Overstanding that makes success in life. A special kind of outformation received as information, the mere existence of a special kind of facts, the mere existence of which is unknown to many people.
Your first approach to these special facts is awareness of your inner-self linked to your outerself. The forces, which are within you, connected to the source, which is outside of you.
The second approach is the control of those forces to get what you want from life. A control that can be developed to some extent by almost everybody.
The third approach is to achieve unity between your inner forces and your outer forces, which link you to the outer cosmic or universal force. The all flows through all nature. In fact, it is all nature and all other existence that is important because without it you cannot fulfill your divine mission. Your divine mission must be the basis of all true happiness, "I am in the love of all and all love is in me."
These three (3) approaches, your personal triad, may seem brief and vague to you now, but this is because the thought of unknown forces or influence is a strange mystical one that has had little real meaning in your practical present day world.
You have probably never thought about such things before as being a part of the all as "Quantum Physics". As you learn more of the natural laws that underlie these principles, you'll begin to discover how to really use this special kind of knowledge in your search for a richer, happier life. It's like moving into a new community. Your house, the streets, your neighbors are strange to you at first, and sometimes forbidding, but after you have lived with them a while they become familiar, friendly, loved.
After you have had an opportunity to live awhile with these ideas (so far only hinted at), their meaning will become clearer and you will better over-stand their directions toward getting what you want from life. Why did I use over-stand and not the common word under-stand? Look for yourself and see if you would rather under-stand or overstand these facts.
To give you this opportunity is one of The Ancient Nubian Order more important duties. To show you: How you are able to become aware of the forces which are within you; How you can learn to control them; and, How you can use the cosmic or life forces. These are Nubians secrets which can now be yours.
Scattered over Nubia and North East Africa, particularly in Heliopolis originally called Annu or (On), which means "City Of The Sun"; Thebes or Thebia originally called Aaset or Newt, which meant "The City"; and, Memphis originally called "Tattu 'The Double Pillars'"and "Hikuptah meaning 'House of Ptah' or 'House Of The Ka Of Ptah'", initializing H.T.M.
Today the ruins of hundreds of vast cities, mute testimony to the greatness of a civilization, such as the Africa Nioliptic Negros, older and more highly developed yet strangely similar to that of ancient Yucatan in Central America. The people who built these amazing cities were Nubian explorers. Studying their great Miraat (Miraat)(pyramids), Tekenu, (Tekenu) Obelisk, Sebkket (Sabket), and Pylons that still exist today in wonderful splendor. European explorers are puzzled by the fact that they have not located any primitive Egiptians secrets or formulas on how these structures were built, nor the how's and why's. It is obvious that when the Nubians arrived on these continents thousands of years ago as Ptahites or Tarites, they were already accomplished scientist and architects!