The Supreme Grand Ancient Nubian Order Society, Inc.

Food From Thoth:Part 3
The mystery is explained to the unworthy, if we accept the story of Atlantis as true. Atlantis is the fabulous lost continent located between Africa and America, in the south Atlantic, which was once South and North America. But as mysterious as are the theories of the Tamed Rashunaat (Rashunaat, Ogdoad), the Sedjet (Sedjet Enneads) and the Neteru's origins, they are as nothing compared to the startling, fantastic, almost unacceptable facts concerning the people themselves, which explorers and scientists are now unearthing. Egyptian rulers were scientists with amazing knowledge. Their achievements rank above the greatest discoveries of all ages, all coming from the Nubians.
One might say the greatest achievement, in the line of pure Reasoned Science or Sound Right Reasoning, by a people on the same cultural horizon ever achieved to match the Neolithic Negros is based on Nubians for it's wondrous records of prophecy. The Egiptian astronomers did not stop with observations of the sun solar cult, stars stellar cult and moon lunar cult. They overstood the movements of the planets and the stars. Their tables of eclipses check with the western worlds today the equinoxevery 25,000 years, epochs ever 50,000. You are aided by modern instruments but you have not been able to advance much as the Ancient Nubians who use these symbols. One of the discoveries for which the world is indebted to these ancient wonder workers was the development of the 360 and 365 days in a year calendar, medicine, the zodiac, alchemy, embalming, and even beer. We know of the under currents that gave us access to the western shores of America.
Atlantis has always been called by this name thousands of years before the Chinese, under HSU-CHEN, or the Europeans (Greeks, Romans, Mesopotamian, Phoenicians, Hitites, Cananites) came to these shores. Africans from Uganda, the original Tahite Pygmies as the Olmec, or Native American had a religion strangely similar to that of the Nubians, being they are one and the same seed. Their symbol was a Tau cross as an Ankh, on to the Christian cross. They practiced anointment, all having Messiahs, Christians, or Messeh Egyptians, Masih Olmec, Anointed or Baptism, and a form of confessions.
They had a culture and civilization superior to anything the western world was to know for thousands of years, yet all of America is based on Nubia! Just look at the back of your one dollar bill and most of your architecture throughout North America. All this can be learned and proven from what has been found in theruins of the Egiptian Nome's (cities) buried for centuries, now revised right here in the west as Tama-re Nubia of the West, a Holy City. You no longer have to go deep in the desert sands to find these truths. What happened to this great race of people? Why did they leave their magnificent cities? What has become of their vast store of precious Right Knowledge, Overstanding, Wisdom and Science?
The natives living in the land of the Nubians today bear little resemblance to the noble Nuwbuns 9 ether, Masters of Architecture, Science, and Mathematics of thousands of years ago. Today you have Turks, Greeks, Romans, Canaanites mixed with Arabs. There are very few real Nubians of the pure Negroid seed that can be found there but in the western world you find this lost tribe. Could it be that the ordinary Nubians of long ago were not much different than those of today living in the western world? Can it be that the greatness of the race was due to the guidance of a small group of wise deities who dominated the natives with their vastly superior Right Knowledge, Right Wisdom and Right Overstanding and Supernatural Powers?
When the Phoenicians who taught the Hebrews, who taught the Christians, who taught the Muslims, first arrived in old Tama-re (Nubia Of The East) they found the Nuwbuns under the complete domination of a group of deities who were thought to be magicians and soothsayers because of the super natural powers. They alone overstood the complicated calendar hieroglyphics, which enabled them to designate lucky and unlucky days for fishing, hunting, agricultural operation, marrying, mummifying, space traveling, and other various activities of the people that included so much more.
Furthermore, they were the sole possessors of supreme knowledge of medicine, astronomy and mathematics. The lower classes, like the proletariat of all times and all countries, seemed to have been entrusted with a scant and superficial knowledge of their complex ways, economic life, and as creators of what is known as religious lower mystery that influenced all the world religions. Thus, we see that the inner wisdom of the Nubians, the real secret highest mysteries that made them great, was held by only a select few called the Neteru past to the Semu.
Their Right Knowledge was their power! They were not "Magicians" but scientists far in advance of their times having come from beyond this world as they claim from Sahu (Orion) and Sebtu (Sirius). Their achievements were supernatural to the masses.
With the coming of the Hyksos from Palestine, who only received three (3) degrees of secret knowledge and secret rites, they passed this knowledge to the Greeks and gave birth to all your modern day lodges, like Freemason, Knights of Columbus, Rosicruxian, and many others. They all having just a small portion of the knowledge they called the light. Yet, they were not given the Right Knowledge of the dark in which their gods dwelled before he said; "let there be light".