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Food From Thoth: Part 5

Just as in the ancient land of the Nubians Tama-re, the common people were held in bondage by their superstitions, fear, and awe of the accomplishments of the Supreme Grand Masters, The A'aferti's, The Rashunaat (Ogdoad), and the Sedjet (Enneads).

The 8 Tashunaat Ogdoads

1. Nun

2. Nunet

3. Heh

4. Hehet

5. Keh

6. Kehet

7. Amun

8. Amunet


The 6 Mustalameedaat

1. Atum-Re

2. Tuhuti

3. Ptah

4. Imhotep

5. Zoser

6. Khafre


The 4 Winds


1. Duamutef

2. Qebehsenuf

3. Hapi

4. Imsety


The 2 Adversaries

1. Haru

2. Sutukh

The 9 Sedjet Enneads

1. Amun-Ra

2. Shu

3. Tefnut

4. Geb

5. Nut

6. Aasaru

7. Aset

8. Sutukh

9. Nebthet


The 7 A'aferti's

1. Narmir

2. Mentuhotep

3. Amenemes III

4. Khufu

5. Ankhenaton

6. Tutankhamun

7. Rameses II


The 5 Sacred Women

1. Neit

2. Aset

3. Sakhmet

4. Ma'at

5. Hat-hor


The 3 Neteru

1. Atum-Re

2. Atun-Re

3. Amun-Re

The One, Most High

1. Ra

Their untutored minds seemed sometimes like startling phenomena explained by nubians teachings as magic, made as myths by others, but they were all real and lived and walked this earth. Some from the seas, others the skies, and others the land and you are their seed.  Such misunderstanding is brought about, of course, by the fact that men and women are really mysteries to themselves. Many occurrences in our lives are hard for us to understand they seem uncanny to those who do not know the secret natural laws of the universe.


For Example: You will be worrying over a difficult problem. Finally, giving it up you turn to something else. Suddenly, the solution of your problem flashes into your mind. You were not conscious of it yet another mind within you, "your subconscious mind", was working at your problem, and solved it. Or, the solution to your troubles might have come to you in a dream. An interesting fact about the work done by your subconscious mind is that there is no effort because it goes on without your being aware of it! Those who know how to control their subconscious mind find that the results are so miraculous as to be almost beyond belief. Mental telepathy: Where two people apart from one communicate without speech or any other visible means, seems like another mystical trick, the phenomena, however, is simply a matter of two people being attuned harmoniously with one another and knowing how to use your four (4) higher senses:


1. Al Tajatur (Al Tajatur, Telepathy) the ability to communicate messages from the mind without using verbal speech.


2. Hadsu (Hadu, Intuition) the ability to know what is about to happen before it happens.


3. Dafera (Defara, Clairvoyance), the ability to see clear, know what is going on in another place or another room without seeing the event or events with the two physical eyes; Remote viewing...


4. Sykametre (Sykametre, Psychometry), the ability to be able to tell something about a person by holding an object that belonged to the person.Persons who are passing through some crises or who are going to die, often appear in a vision to their friends and their parents who may be a great distance away.


This is not a hallucination. It has been scientifically demonstrated that these are real apparitions, examples of the super sensible action on one Ba (Ba) (Soul, Akh, Spirit) etheric body (Ka) upon another, which is another natural law which is valuable when it is overstood. Now a days the scientists commonly accept that when a person dies, a mist leaves the body and is a loss of weight and has been documented. Mentally influencing others is another phenomena so mystifying - yet so natural and useful to the informed.


Those strange feelings of "rightness" have a completely logical and natural explanation and immense success possibilities and personal magnetism, a miraculous gift, which makes people like you and obey you. This is thought to be a question of controlling invisible but powerful body radiations. The better overstanding of this natural principle makes getting along with people a simpler thing to do. Probably the greatest of all our little known powers is the ability to treat the sick. In the sick body, there is confusion and abnormality of brain function.


With increased industry in observing these abnormal conditions, even the novice may affect a solution of the many baffling problems that arise in the treatment of the sick. There are hundred of other phenomena closely associated with our daily lives, that are matters of complete mystery to those who do not have the special inner right knowledge. Not overstanding them, they are unable to put to use the natural powers, which all possess, but few can use to influence others and get the things they really want. Truly, there is more in life than most people even dream about.  The main mission of this order is: to be able to give you a full overstanding of these things; to help you grasp the true meaning of life and it's control and it's relation to the cosmic forces; and, to teach you how to use your mind to improve your life and the lives of those around you. 


As Tama-rean's advance within the order, they receive the beautiful and meaningful symbolism of initiation and they are asked to visit the lodge for a ritual if they can to affirm the various degrees. These are experiences which you will treasure always. There is a charge for these initiations but there is no limit to your advancement with the order. With each advancement in the degrees attained, you receive a beautiful certificate of the degrees confirm upon you suitable for framing to hang upon the wall of your study room. There's nothing cold nor impersonal about The Supreme Grand Ancient Nubians Order Society membership.


An important feature of the organization is the personal individual questions pertaining to the revelations for special advice and guidance. There is no charge for this service, if you come to the holy-land and visit the lodge, speak with one of the Grand Masters or in a class forum and there you will get your answers. The members of the order or vitally interested in the progress of one another. This brings us to one of the most inspiring advantages of the order, Membership. This is the unique plan of mental companionship with thousands of other men and women, who like yourself have chosen The Supreme Grand Ancient Nubians Order Society way to reach a better life. Throughout the world there will be men and women who have reached the same degree of harmonic attempt as you yourself and they come to make Maguraj at the Holy Land united in thought and purposes.


The feeling of companionship, which this creates, is to many of our members one of their most satisfying Ancient Nubians Order's experiences. The Nubians started pyramids of miracles, the only association of its kind in the world, are more of the glorious, helpful and inspiring examples of this phase of Nubians membership. There are also many other wonderful but secret advantages, which will be made available to you as a member of The Ancient Nubians Order. It is a privilege and an honor to be accepted as a member in this fraternal order. Those who are accepted gain something so priceless that it can't be measured in terms of money. They gain a trademark of culture that cannot be erased as long as they live. They should gain the self-confidence and self-respect which a command of one's own powers inspires.


Membership is not just a "course of printed revelations." Indeed, as mentioned before, the revelations are but one feature of Tama-rean membership, which are sent to all the active members of the order. There are also personal letters, the secret signs, initiations, certificates, degrees. and other valuable aids.  Remember, success is a simple thing to acquire when you know its formula. As a famous writer said: "You need a grain of courage, a dash of ambition an ounce of effort. Mix the whole with your forces and no power on earth can keep you from your desires." The first principle of your success is to do something different that is in your life now. A.N.O the Ancient Nubian Order membership is the different move you need to make, now.  If for any reason you are not admitted into A.N.O., The Ancient Nubians Order, your registration fee and first month's dues in the form or a freewill offering will be promptly returned. Acknowledgement of your acceptance, if approved, should reach you within fourteen days or less. Click And Fill Out The Preliminary Application.

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