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Welcome To The Society: Ahlun

This sacred order is not just for the wealthy, though many rich people belong, nor for the college educated, though some members are great scholars. The Supreme Grand Nubian Order Society is made up for the most part, of everyday people.  Men and women who, until they became Nubians lived ordinary, hum-drum lives. Some of your neighbors, many of the really successful people in your community may be of the Supreme Grand Nubian Order Society, many movie stars and popular entertainers, politicians, teachers of all races and from all countries are members. For membership in the order is open to all people in every walk of life who feel strongly about these two things, Learn more..


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Did You Know​: 


This emblem was found in the sarcophagus of one of the great kings of Nubia entombed in the pyramid erected to his memory. It brings to mind the representation of the king's initiation into those greater mysteries of Osiris held to be the highest aim of the wise and devout Nubian. "The emblem may be thus explained: The form that lies dead before the altar is that of Osiris, the personified Sun God, whom the candidate represents in the drama of raising, lying dead at the winter solstice, slain by the grim Archer-November, the fatal month of the year, for the Sun. The figure of the Lion grasping the dead Sun God alludes to the constellation Leo, which prevailed 4,000 years ago, raised the Sun God to his place of power and glory on the summit of the grand royal arch of heaven at the summer solstice, and denoted then, as it does now, that the Sun and the candidate are raised from a symbolical death to life and power by the strong grip of the Lion's Paw, or, as it has later been termed "The Lion of the Tribe of Judah."" - Learn More




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