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Food from Thoth:Part 4


Through the centuries, the real Nubians zealously guarded their vital life secrets from the common people. The many invaders came and got only what the real Nubians wanted them to have. Their overstanding of nature's laws sometimes far in advance of even the science of today enabled them to perform feats which even to the sophisticated European invaders seemed like miracles of magic and sooth saying how did they build these great structures?


They were asked and the best kept secrets were kept sacred until this day and time. Now you like a mummy laid in mental death dormant in your sarcophagus tomb for centuries with your tongue cut out, you could not speak your own tongue. But now I, Amunnubi Ra Akhptah have recreated myself out of myself and in so doing found it necessary to resurrect myself in this present day bodily form of Atum Re, and now I will raise the mummy, you, back to life, with these long hidden truths, with the 9 mystical Tanna leaves at the right time and place. The 9 tanna leaves are symbolic of 9 ether beings, and the 9 sacred degrees kept hidden and protected for centuries.


The Europeans completely defeated the peaceful and unwarlike Nubians: took our culture; our dress; altered the faces on the statues of our ancestors; put their faces where ours used to be; became warmongers; opened the gates of our holy land to all kinds of unworthy people; and, even robbed our tombs, now they have the curse. Yet, the unfortunate master teachers never became the victims of this fanaticism almost inconceivable to us at the present day.


They protected themselves by migrating to other lands and played down themselves: They joined other religions; hid amongst the normal humans as a Christian or Muslim; served other nations; and, even became slaves just to await this great day and time. If the evil ones discovered them, they would be imprisoned or killed to stop this great truth. If they taught, they called them a cult.


To this very day the evil one's children, Setian, seek these Neteru in flesh to destroy them. The ancient scrolls and tablets were burned.  Few are in existence today and the remaining Neteru, who survived, were driven from their people into the remotest deserts and jungles back into Uganda, Mali as the Dogons, and, then to Morocco as Moors...all over the world. Finally, back to the western world where many of these supreme beings were killed or died before this day.


Thus Nubians was lost to the people and to the world. The amazing Nubian knowledge of astronomy, building, medicine and apparent mysteries, which had been handed down for twenty centuries, times beyond time, was hidden or lost. Now one of the Neteru has been born among us with this best kept secret, Ammunubi Ra Aakhptah also called Atum-Re, who became many names and religions to await this day to give you back your lost way of life and who built for you, your holy city called Tama-Re. Now the evil Setians are at work trying to stop him. 


Yet, as it has been through all human history, truth cannot die and much of the ancient Tamarean wisdom lives on. Handed down by word of mouth, much of this wisdom is known only to a few. Archaeology and anthropology, including your own archaeological expeditions, have made astonishing discoveries that reveal to the learnt the hidden secrets of this mysterious civilization. And its secret brother and sisterhoods keep they're secret sacred to this day. All that he teaches has been revealed to us is coming to be known as facts. Startling facts are known about the strange powers of the ancient Neteru.


Much of the truth is known about the culture of the Nubuwns or Ptahites, and about the human principles on which a magnificent civilization was built where nillions of people live in harmony and abundance, as Nubians speaking Khenzi their own tongue, before they were mummified. What is known of the ancient Tama-rean Right Wisdom, together with other amazing Right Knowledge, is preserved today by an exclusive organization known to us as The Nubian Order Of Imhotep and Aset, Keepers of the secrets. Even today, this inner right knowledge will not be made available to every one. Yet, you must show that you would use increased personal power of the good for humanity instead of misusing it to further suppress the ignorant.


If you are a person of average intelligence with an open mind, then there exists for you wisdom, which can be applied to your life with results, that has been described by many as amazingly beneficial. If you were always intrigued by Nubia, the pyramids, obelisks, egiptian art, and the ankh, then your seed was there as a mummy and it is now time for you to raise from the mental death.

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