The official Temple site
The International Supreme Council
Of Shriners Worldwide. Head Of The Council Of 9, The Grand Mufti of Worldwide Shrinedom, A Direct Descendant of the Prophet Muhammad of Arabia thru the Mahdi Of Nubia, Sudan
What does Ahli'l Bait mean?
The original Al-Muthkheroon ﻦﻭﺮﺫﺧﻤﻟﺍ “Shriners” were in fact the family of the scriptures referred to as Ahlil Al-Bait “People of the house” found inThe Noble Qur’aan 11:73 and was a title given to those blood relatives from Adam to the present day, who vowed to protect the Sacred Shrines from intruders. They took a blood oath and were called Al- Halifoon ﻦﻭﻔﻟﺣﻠﺍ as a group or halif as individuals or those who took the oath.
There can be but one, Ahlil’l-Bait ﺖﻳﺒﻠﺍ ﻞﻫﺍ family of the house” known as The International Supreme Council of Shriners, Inc., world wide, although there can be many sub councils. Only one Imperial Grand Supreme Council governs the jurisdictions in due boundaries and in turn issue charters to temples and units. The headquarters must be located where the blood relatives of Ali and the prophet Muhammad reside. The true Ahlil’l-bait is made up of 9 Arabs who hold the original manuscripts. That were taken from Halab “Aleppo” Syria in the Syrian dialect of Arabic (Kufic) which was taken by Rizk Allah Hassoon Effendee a Turk who himself couldn’t read it and then on to London and then to America by Albert L. Rawson, who was born in New York and translated it to English. Presently the handbooks in English circulating in the Shrines throughout America and Europe. Be they from Noble George L. Root, a Euro-Shriner or John G. Jones 33rd degree and Booker T. Alexander.
Negro Shriners are incorrect, passwords and rituals many have no idea about the great funeral that they reenact over and over again of Abd Al Kadir bin Mahyal-Din (Al Hasani) born in Mascara, 20 miles east of east of in 1808 A.D. and the black camel visited his noble tent and he passed in Damascus in 1888 A.D. Most Shrines today have no idea that their temple rituals and furnishings is in remembrance of that great funeral that took place on May 26 1883. A.D. His death was mourned on Saturday, May 31, in enactment of his funeral the temple furnishings were set. The Euro-Shriners attended. The Afro-Shriner for the most part, know very little about this event. The original temples were Mosques in the east with the furnishes of a mosques old sacred hieroglyphics with a replica of a ka’aba ﺔﺒﻌﮐ 4 feet by 4 feet in the center of the temple and it was called the Dakka ﺔﮐﺩ on which set The Noble Qur’aan in Arabic set and was opened to the 38th chapter Suwratu’l Saad the reason for this can’t be given to those not of sterlingcharacter.
In Christian Shriner temples the Bible opened to the book of Job because of one of the 4 original manuscript holder Rizk Allah Hassoon Effende, who was aTurk by birth whose native language was not Arabic. The spelling of his name alone tells any affluent Arabic scholar that he could not have been an Arabic scholar, but as history has proven by his book “History of Islam” which was originally written in Turkish and later translated to Arabic along with much poetry. However Poetry Shi’rﺮﻌﺷis strictly forbidden in Al-Islaam the religion of the Muhammadans worldwide and is backed up in The Noble Qur’aan 35:69 69:40-41. It was his poetry in Turkish not Arabic that offended the Turkish government. Then in an attempted to deceive the then strictly Muslim country in to accepting the book from what they considered the Bible the book of Job Al –Kitaabu’l Ayyub, translating it into poetry did not fool the Turks. He was caught and declared a non-Muslim and banned from Turkey. For this reason The Book of Job is on the altars beneath the crossed scimitars in American temple. More on this subject can be found in a book entitled Allah Maa’anaa written by The Grand Mufti, As Sayyid Issa Al Haadi AL Mahdi, translated into English containing the original history of the real Shriners and their rituals he sits as the head of Ahlil’l-Bait being a direct descent of the prophet Muhammad of Arabia and the Ali Shrine Temple.
Name after name, we have an unbroken seed, son after son that goes directly back to Ali 599-661 A.D. And Fatima , Daughter of Muhammad, Who Had 3 Children Husain, Hasan And Muhsin (Who Died Before Birth). From Their Son Hasan Descended Yaquwb, Abdul Baaqiy, Abiy Sakrah, ‘Alwaan, Hasan Al Askariy, Abdul Qaadir, Ya’quwb, ‘Uthmaan, Yuwnus, Ahman Abiy ‘Abbaas, Muwsa, ‘Uthmaan, Najmuddiyn, Uwn Allah, Hasayn, Abdul Kariym, Nas`r, Saabir, Hasban Nabiy, Ahmad, Aliy, Haaj Shariyf, Muhammad, Abdullah, Abdul Waaliy, Fahl, Abdullah Whose Wife Was Amina Who Gave Birth To Muhammad Ahmed, Al Mahdi 1845-1885 A.D father of Abdur Rahman Al Mahdi 1885-1959 A.D. father of Al Haadi Abdul Rahman Al Mahdi 1922-1970 A.D. father of
The Ahlil Bait that presides over the world body of Shrinedom, acts as the executive board known as the Ansarullah ﷲﺍﺭﺍﺼﻨﺍ the Noble Koran 61:14, 110, 47:7, 9:117, 3:52 Council in these quotes from Al Qur’aan’l Kareem you find the name Ansarullah. As Fiqir, were known as The Khalwatiyah Order of Sufi. They are the highest source of authority in the world over True Shrinedom. They must be headed by one who is a Sayyid, that is of the direct bloodline of the original founder, Amr Ibn Abid Manaaf (Hashim) father of Abdul Muttalib the father of Abdullah the father of the Prophet Muhammad, of the original shrine in Arabia . Who take their bloodline back to the Egiptian Princess Haqet- Re, in the Bible as Hagar Genesis 16:1; and her noble son Ismail known as Ishmael, Genesis 16:15, in the Bible, back to Abram who the Hebrews call Abraham and we known as Ibraaheem and from Ibraaheem straight on back to Adam ibn Allah ﷲﺍ ﻦﺑﺍ ﻢﺩﺍ.
The Ahlil’l Bait have exclusive control over all its members in all jurisdictions throughout the world. The Grand Mufti’s have meetings every 9 years at _____ in _____ as they await the end of the millennium the year 2000 A.D. which to a shriner marks the year 6000 A.D. and the arrival of Al-Mahdi ﻯﺩﻬﻤﻠﺍ to discuss the arrival and protection of Al Masih ﺢﺳﻣﻠﺍ or to the Jews call Ha Mashiakh xysmh. The Christians call on The Messiah, the Buddhist call him The Matrieya simply, Issa Al Masih who is to arrive after the gathering of Ansars, Noble Qur’aan Suwrah’l Nasr, Chapter 110. This most secret Ikhwaani ﻦﺍﻭﺧﺍ Brotherhood is born to protect and see he has a safe arrival from the Dajjal or Anti- Christ. We must be prepared.